Отговори на: Task N5 13.12.2022 Beginners/Intermediate

Начало Форуми КЛУБ АНГЛИЙСКИ Task N5 13.12.2022 Beginners/Intermediate Отговори на: Task N5 13.12.2022 Beginners/Intermediate


Reply to Task N5

I do my work projects with enthusiasm, and I always finish everything I start.
I always clean my house on Saturday.
I always cook on Friday evenings.

I usually watch YouTube videos, when I have free time.
I usually travel by bus and train to work
I usually speak with my parents every day.

I sometimes watch TV in the evening, before I go to bed.
I sometimes eat fast food.
I sometimes drive my car in the city.

I never drink and drive.
I never watch horror movies.
I have never smoked cigarettes.

Това упражнение го дадох, за да видя дали сте наясно с позицията на наречията за честота. Някои от тях могат да се местят, но основната им позиция е пред пълнозначния глагол и след глагола „съм“. Една идея – можеш да напишеш част от изреченията за др член от семейството. Но виждам, че при теб няма проблеми

Last weekend was very busy because my husband and I had many tasks to do.
On Saturday I woke up (before my husband) firts. I made my morning breakfast and a cup of tea, and after that, I used my computer for one hour. After I finished a few of my tasks, I woke up my husband. He wasn’t very happy with my morning enthusiasm, but he got up and we drank coffee in our local café.
Then we went back home, cleaned the house and cooked dinner.
Once we finished these chores, we decided to go shopping (in)to a big shopping centre.
That day it was very cold outside, but the place was cosy and warm. Maybe for that reason, many other people were there as well. We visited a few stores for clothes. I tried one dress, but it wasn’t my style, so I didn’t buy it.
Then my husband said that he wanted to look around for a new winter jacket. He likes one brand a lot and we spent almost an hour in their store. In the end, he was happy, because he (had) found a nice jacket.
Then we had dinner at home and I spent one more hour on studying. After that we watched a movie, and we went to sleep.

On Sunday I slept a few hours more than usual. I woke up, had breakfast and I spent a few hours studying. Then my husband said that he needed to go to the/a tool store and asked me to go with him. We went to the store and bought what he needed. After that, I suggested going to the city centre to see the Christmas decoration and the lights. He agreed and we went by car – I drove. It took us an hour to get there. Sunday was cold as well, so we wore our gloves and hats. We spent two hours outside and we saw all the decorations. We visited one of the Christmas markets and we drank hot chocolate.

It was a great weekend.

It does sound like an amazing one! Very well done!
go back – връщам се = отивам от мястото, на което съм, към друго място (отново)
come back – връщам се от друго място към/на мястото, на което съм в момента:

1. Yesterday I went to the shop and then I went back home.
2. I am at home now. (в момента на разказването) Някой ни пита дали сме излизали днес: Oh, yes! I threw the rubbish and then I came right back. Т.е. мръднали сме от мястото, на което сме в момента и след това сме се върнали на самото място. Но трябва изрично от контекста да се разбере.
go = отивам – от нас навън
Come = идвам – към нас

  • Този отговор беше редактиран на преди 2 years от DesiBuzova.